Thursday 29 May 2014

Day 149 - Ground Zero, UK Games Expo the day before it all kicks off - No words done today, or likely for the next three days....I'll catch up...

So up very early, and down to the NEC to set up for Expo tomorrow.  First ones on the scene, computer mishap in the morning having been dealt with by Tony, leaving us with our man who does all the marking up overnight already on a very early morning, which does not bode well for the evening.  
Initial meeting with the Hilton went very well, they've taken on board a number of our problems from last year and assigned us a person who's very good at what they do, understands that we have needs and can't always accept "I'll get back to you" as an answer, and has been very forthcoming with meeting what we need and changing the plans as we need them, not simply giving us blanket negatives like we were faced with last year.

Tickets have now been counted, games have been sorted, envelopes have been filled...

Oh how I wish Skynet was online, we could just get the machines to do it all...

But then if Skynet was active, they'd have us doing this anyway, because it's too dull, even for machines.  

Still, all is ready for tomorrow, tables in place, front desks built, cloth on tables, boxes of envelopes ready, all is ready...

Saw a few of the guys as we were just heading up to bed, so a big hi at Graham Spearing, Pete Griffiths, Steve Ellis, and Neil Gow, good to see everyone and we returned upstairs to find complimentary goodies on the table...

This pleased all present in the room, and now it's an earlier night to make sure we're up and about for tomorrow, and there would be photos, but the windows in here are set for preventing anyone from going anywhere and the flash is just making everything a blur.

So tomorrow for those...

This is John Dodd on top of the gaming world and goodnight England, come and see me tomorrow...