Saturday 24 May 2014

Day 144 - A new pen, more words :) - Required 396000, Achieved 386907

So still 9k words behind, but that's only three days, and things should get easier from the end of next week (By which point I'll probably be 30k words behind and paddling like a mutt....)

Have found the finest fountain pen in existence though and it is good, suddenly 450 words appear on page rather than close to 300, page scanned for reference, and yes, the big blue blots were where the new pen leaked momentarily.....

The words are from the background to a steampunk yorkshire story, and now you all know how I keep track of written wordcount, page count at bottom, total at the top...

So, insights not withstanding, this is John Dodd in the socialist republic of south yorkshire and goodnight england, wherever you are...